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Issue:Intuitionistic fuzzy δ-connectedness and θ-connectedness

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Title of paper: Intuitionistic fuzzy δ-connectedness and θ-connectedness
Salah Abbas
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Sohag University, sohag 82524, Egypt
Biljana Krsteska
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Univ. St. Cyril and Methodius Gazi, Baba b.b. P.O.162,1000 Skopje, Macedonia
Published in: "Notes on IFS", Volume 17 (2010) Number 1, pages 48—57
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Abstract: We introduce and study the concepts of (r,s)-fuzzy δ-connected and (r,s)-fuzzy θ-connected for fuzzy sets in an intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces in Šostak sense as a weaker version of (r,s)-fuzzy connected.
Keywords: Intuitionistic fuzzy topology, (r,s)-fuzzy δ-connected, (r,s)-fuzzy θ-connected
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