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Revision as of 16:47, 28 February 2010 by Vassia Atanassova (talk | contribs) (messages-en)
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  * Array of messages file (error, success message, status...)
  * @version 1.0
  * @author Ilija Studen <>

  return array(
    // Empty, dnx et
    'object dnx' => 'The object does not exist',
    'no mail accounts set' => 'There are no email accounts through which to send an email, please create an email account first',
    'no mail accounts set for check' => 'You have no email accounts, please create an email account first',
    'email dnx' => 'Requested email does not exist',
  	'email dnx deleted' => 'Requested email was deleted from database',
    'project dnx' => 'Requested workspace does not exist in database',
    'contact dnx' => 'Requested contact does not exist in database',
    'company dnx' => 'Requested company does not exist in database',
	'billing category dnx' => 'Requested billing category does not exist in database',
    'message dnx' => 'Requested note does not exist',
    'no comments in message' => 'There are no comments on this note',
    'no comments associated with object' => 'There are no comments posted for this object',
    'no messages in project' => 'There are no notes in this workspace',
    'no subscribers' => 'There are no users subscribed to this object',
    'no activities in project' => 'There are no activities logged for this workspace',
    'comment dnx' => 'Requested comment does not exist',
    'milestone dnx' => 'Requested milestone does not exist',
    'task list dnx' => 'Requested task does not exist',
    'task dnx' => 'Requested task does not exist',
    'event type dnx' => 'Requested event type does not exist',
    'no milestones in project' => 'There are no milestones in this workspace',
    'no active milestones in project' => 'There are no active milestones in this workspace',
    'empty milestone' => 'This milestone is empty. You can add a <a class="internalLink" href="{1}">task</a> to it at any time',
    'no logs for project' => 'There are no log entries related to this workspace',
    'no recent activities' => 'There are no recent activities logged in the database',
    'no open task lists in project' => 'There are no open task in this workspace',
    'no completed task lists in project' => 'There are no completed task in this workspace',
    'no open task in task list' => 'There are no open tasks in this list',
    'no closed task in task list' => 'There are no open tasks in this list',
    'no open task in milestone' => 'There are no open tasks in this milestone',
    'no closed task in milestone' => 'There are no closed tasks in this milestone',
    'no projects in db' => 'There are no defined workspaces in database',
    'no projects owned by company' => 'There are no workspaces owned by this company',
    'no projects started' => 'There are no started workspaces',
    'no active projects in db' => 'There are no active workspaces',
    'no new objects in project since last visit' => 'There are no new objects in this workspace since your last visit',
    'no clients in company' => 'Your company does not have any registered clients',
    'no users in company' => 'There are no users in this company',
    'client dnx' => 'Selected client company does not exist',
    'company dnx' => 'Selected company does not exist',
    'user dnx' => 'Requested user does not exist in database',
    'avatar dnx' => 'Avatar does not exist',
    'no current avatar' => 'Avatar is not uploaded',
    'picture dnx' => 'Picture does not exist',
    'no current picture' => 'Picture is not uploaded',
    'no current logo' => 'A logo is not uploaded',
    'user not on project' => 'Selected user is not involved in selected workspace',
    'company not on project' => 'Selected company is not involved in selected workspace',
    'user cant be removed from project' => 'Selected user can\'t be removed from workspace',
    'tag dnx' => 'Requested tag does not exist',
    'no tags used on projects' => 'There are no tags used on this workspace',
    'no forms in project' => 'There are no forms in this workspace',
    'project form dnx' => 'Requested workspace form does not exist in database',
    'related project form object dnx' => 'Related form object does not exist in database',
    'no my tasks' => 'There are no tasks assigned to you',
    'no search result for' => 'There are no objects that match "<strong>{0}</strong>"',
    'no files on the page' => 'There are no files on this page',
    'folder dnx' => 'Folder you have requested does not exist in database',
    'define project folders' => 'There are no folders in this workspace. Please define folders in order to continue',
    'file dnx' => 'Requested file does not exists in the database',
    'not s5 presentation' => 'Cannot start slideshow because the file is not a valid S5 presentation',
    'file not selected' => 'There is no selected file',
    'file revision dnx' => 'Requested revision does not exists in the database',
    'no file revisions in file' => 'Invalid file - there are no revisions associated with this file',
    'cant delete only revision' => 'You can\'t delete this revision. Every file needs to have at least one revision posted',
    'config category dnx' => 'Configuration category you requested does not exists',
    'config category is empty' => 'Selected configuration category is empty',
    'email address not in use' => '{0} is not in use',
    'no linked objects' => 'There are no objects linked to this object',
    'object not linked to object' => 'No link exists between the selected object',
    'no objects to link' => 'Please select objects that need to be linked',
    'no administration tools' => 'There are no registered administration tools in the database',
    'administration tool dnx' => 'Administration tool "{0}" does not exists',
    'document checked out' => 'Document is already checked out by another user',
    // Success
    'success add contact' => 'Contact \'{0}\' has been created successfully',
    'success edit contact' => 'Contact \'{0}\' has been updated successfully',
    'success delete contact' => 'Contact \'{0}\' has been deleted successfully',
    'success edit picture' => 'Picture has been updated successfully',
    'success delete picture' => 'Picture has been deleted successfully',
    'success add project' => 'Workspace {0} has been added successfully',
    'success edit project' => 'Workspace {0} has been updated',
    'success delete project' => 'Workspace {0} has been deleted',
    'success complete project' => 'Workspace {0} has been completed',
    'success open project' => 'Workspace {0} has been reopened',
    'success add milestone' => 'Milestone \'{0}\' has been created successfully',
    'success edit milestone' => 'Milestone \'{0}\' has been updated successfully',
    'success deleted milestone' => 'Milestone \'{0}\' has been deleted successfully',
    'success add message' => 'Note {0} has been added successfully',
    'success edit message' => 'Note {0} has been updated successfully',
    'success deleted message' => 'Note \'{0}\' and all of its comments has been deleted successfully',
    'success add comment' => 'Comment has been posted successfully',
    'success edit comment' => 'Comment has been updated successfully',
    'success delete comment' => 'Comment has been deleted successfully',
    'success add task list' => 'Task \'{0}\' has been added',
    'success edit task list' => 'Task \'{0}\' has been updated',
    'success delete task list' => 'Task \'{0}\' has been deleted',
    'success add task' => 'Selected task has been added',
    'success edit task' => 'Selected task has been updated',
    'success delete task' => 'Selected task has been deleted',
    'success complete task' => 'Selected task has been completed',
    'success open task' => 'Selected task has been reopened',
    'success n tasks updated' => '{0} tasks updated',
	'success add mail' => 'Email sent successfully',
	'success autosave draft' => 'Draft automatically saved',
    'success add client' => 'Client company {0} has been added',
    'success edit client' => 'Client company {0} has been updated',
    'success delete client' => 'Client company {0} has been deleted',
    'success add group' => 'Group {0} has been added',
    'success edit group' => 'Group {0} has been updated',
    'success delete group' => 'Group {0} has been deleted',
    'success edit company' => 'Company data has been updated',
    'success edit company logo' => 'Company logo has been updated',
    'success delete company logo' => 'Company logo has been deleted',
    'success add user' => 'User {0} has been added successfully',
    'success edit user' => 'User {0} has been updated successfully',
    'success delete user' => 'User {0} has been deleted successfully',
    'success update project permissions' => 'Workspace permissions have been updated successfully',
    'success remove user from project' => 'User has been successfully removed from the workspace',
    'success remove company from project' => 'Company has been successfully removed from the workspace',
    'success update profile' => 'Profile has been updated',
    'success edit avatar' => 'Avatar has been updated successfully',
    'success delete avatar' => 'Avatar has been deleted successfully',
    'success hide welcome info' => 'Welcome info box has been successfully hidden',
    'success complete milestone' => 'Milestone \'{0}\' has been completed',
    'success open milestone' => 'Milestone \'{0}\' has been reopened',
    'success subscribe to object' => 'You have been successfully subscribed to this object',
    'success unsubscribe to object' => 'You have been successfully unsubscribed from this object',
    'success add project form' => 'Form \'{0}\' has been added',
    'success edit project form' => 'Form \'{0}\' has been updated',
    'success delete project form' => 'Form \'{0}\' has been deleted',
    'success add folder' => 'Folder \'{0}\' has been added',
    'success edit folder' => 'Folder \'{0}\' has been updated',
    'success delete folder' => 'Folder \'{0}\' has been deleted',
    'success add file' => 'File \'{0}\' has been added',
	'success save file' => 'File \'{0}\' has been saved',
    'success edit file' => 'File \'{0}\' has been updated',
    'success delete file' => 'File \'{0}\' has been deleted',
    'success delete files' => '{0} file(s) have been deleted',
    'success tag files' => '{0} file(s) have been tagged',
    'success tag contacts' => '{0} contact(s) have been tagged',
    'success add handis' => 'Handins have been updated',
    'success add properties' => 'Properties have been updated',
    'success edit file revision' => 'Revision has been updated',
    'success delete file revision' => 'File revision has been deleted',
    'success trash file revision' => 'File revision has been trashed',
    'success link objects' => '{0} object(s) has been successfully linked',
    'success unlink object' => 'Objects have been successfully unlinked',
    'success update config category' => '{0} configuration values have been updated',
    'success forgot password' => 'Intructions have been emailed to you',
    'success test mail settings' => 'Test mail has been successfully sent',
    'success massmail' => 'Email has been sent',
    'success update company permissions' => 'Company permissions updated successfully. {0} records updated',
    'success user permissions updated' => 'User permissions have been updated',
    'success add event' => 'Event has been added',
    'success edit event' => 'Event has been updated',
    'success delete event' => 'Event has been deleted',
    'success add event type' => 'Event Type has been added',
    'success delete event type' => 'Event Type has been deleted',
    'success add webpage' => 'Web link has been added',
    'success edit webpage' => 'Web link has been updated',
    'success deleted webpage' => 'Web link has been deleted',
    'success add chart' => 'Chart has been added',
    'success edit chart' => 'Chart has been updated',
    'success delete chart' => 'Chart has been deleted',
    'success delete charts' => 'The selected charts have been deleted successfully',
    'success delete contacts' => 'The selected contacts have been deleted successfully',
    'success classify email' => 'Email classified successfully',
    'success delete email' => 'Email has been deleted',
  	'success unclassify email' => 'Email unclassified successfully',
  	'error unclassify email' => 'Failed to unclassify email',
	'success unclassify emails' => "{0} Emails unclassified successfully",
	'error unclassify emails' => "Failed to unclassify {0} emails",
    'success delete mail account' => 'Email account has been deleted successfully',
    'success add mail account' => 'Email account has been created successfully',
    'success edit mail account' => 'Email account has been updated successfully',
    'success link object' => 'Object has been linked successfully',
  	'success check mail' => 'Email retrieval complete: {0} emails received.',
	'success delete objects' => '{0} Object(s) deleted successfully',
	'success tag objects' => '{0} Object(s) tagged successfully',
	'error delete objects' => 'Failed to delete {0} object(s)',
	'error tag objects' => 'Failed to tag {0} object(s)',
	'success move objects' => '{0} Object(s) moved successfully',
	'error move objects' => 'Failed to move {0} object(s)',
	'success untag objects' => "Tags were removed from {0} object(s)",
	'error untag objects' => "Failed to remove tags from {0} object(s)",
	'success archive objects' => "{0} Object(s) archived successfully",
	'error archive objects' => "Failed to archive {0} object(s)",
	'success unarchive objects' => "{0} Object(s) unarchived successfully",
	'error unarchive objects' => "Failed to unarchive {0} object(s)",
    'success checkout file' => 'File checked out successfully',
    'success checkin file' => 'File checked in successfully',
  	'success undo checkout file' => 'File checkout canceled successfully',
	'success extracting files' => '{0} Files were extracted',
	'success compressing files' => '{0} Files compressed succesfully',
	'success add billing category' => 'Billing category added successfully',
	'success delete billing category' => 'Billing category deleted successfully',
	'success edit billing category' => 'Billing category updated successfully',
  	'success assign user billing categories' => 'Billing categories were successfully assigned to users',
  	'success update billing values' => 'Timeslot billing values updated succesfully: {0} entries modified.',
    // Failures
    'error edit timeslot' => 'Failed to save timeslot',
  	'error delete timeslot' => 'Failed to delete the selected timeslot',
  	'error add timeslot' => 'Failed to add timeslot',
  	'error open timeslot' => 'Failed to open timeslot',
  	'error close timeslot' => 'Failed to close timeslot',
    'error start time after end time' => 'Failed to save timeslot: the start time must happen before the end time',
    'error form validation' => 'Failed to save object because some of its properties are not valid',
    'error delete owner company' => 'Owner company can\'t be deleted',
    'error delete message' => 'Failed to delete selected note',
    'error update message options' => 'Failed to update note options',
    'error delete comment' => 'Failed to delete selected comment',
    'error delete milestone' => 'Failed to delete selected milestone',
    'error complete task' => 'Failed to complete selected task',
    'error open task' => 'Failed to reopen selected task',
    'error upload file' => 'Failed to upload file',
    'error delete project' => 'Failed to delete selected workspace',
    'error complete project' => 'Failed to complete selected workspace',
    'error open project' => 'Failed to reopen selected workspace',
    'error delete client' => 'Failed to delete selected client company',
    'error delete group' => 'Failed to delete selected group',
    'error delete user' => 'Failed to delete selected user',
    'error update project permissions' => 'Failed to update workspace permissions',
    'error remove user from project' => 'Failed to remove user from workspace',
    'error remove company from project' => 'Failed to remove company from workspace',
    'error edit avatar' => 'Failed to edit avatar',
    'error delete avatar' => 'Failed to delete avatar',
    'error edit picture' => 'Failed to edit picture',
    'error delete picture' => 'Failed to delete picture',
    'error edit contact' => 'Failed to edit contact',
    'error delete contact' => 'Failed to delete contact',
    'error hide welcome info' => 'Faled to hide welcome info',
    'error complete milestone' => 'Failed to complete selected milestone',
    'error open milestone' => 'Failed to reopen selected milestone',
    'error file download' => 'Failed to download specified file',
    'error link object' => 'Failed to link object',
    'error edit company logo' => 'Failed to update company logo',
    'error delete company logo' => 'Failed to delete company logo',
    'error subscribe to object' => 'Failed to subscribe to selected object',
    'error unsubscribe to object' => 'Failed to unsubscribe from selected object',
    'error add project form' => 'Failed to add workspace form',
    'error submit project form' => 'Failed to submit workspace form',
    'error delete folder' => 'Failed to delete selected folder',
    'error delete file' => 'Failed to delete selected file',
    'error delete files' => 'Failed to delete {0} files',
    'error tag files' => 'Failed to tag {0} files',
    'error tag contacts' => 'Failed to tag {0} contacts',
    'error delete file revision' => 'Failed to delete file revision',
    'error delete task list' => 'Failed to delete selected task',
    'error delete task' => 'Failed to delete selected task',
    'error check for upgrade' => 'Failed to check for a new version',
    'error link object' => 'Failed to link object(s)',
    'error unlink object' => 'Failed to unlink {0} object(s)',
    'error link objects max controls' => 'You can not add more object links. Limit is {0}',
    'error test mail settings' => 'Failed to send test message',
    'error massmail' => 'Failed to send email',
    'error owner company has all permissions' => 'Owner company has all permissions',
    'error while saving' => 'An error occurred while saving the document',
    'error delete event type' =>'Failed to delete event type',
    'error delete mail' => 'An error occurred while deleting this email',
    'error delete mail account' => 'An error occurred while deleting this email account',
    'error delete contacts' => 'An error has occurred while deleting these contacts',
  	'error check mail' => 'Error checking account \'{0}\': {1}',
  	'error check out file' => 'Error while checking out file for exclusive use',
    'error checkin file' => 'Error while checking in file',
    'error classifying attachment cant open file' => 'Error classifying attachment: can\'t open file',
  	'error contact added but not assigned' => 'The contact \'{0}\' was added but not assigned successfully to workspace \'{1}\' due to access permissions',
  	'error cannot set workspace as parent' => 'Cannot set workspace \'{0}\' as parent, too many workspace levels or circular reference',
  	'error cannot link object to self' => 'You cannot link an object to itself',
    // Access or data errors
    'no access permissions' => 'You don\'t have permissions to access requested page',
    'invalid request' => 'Invalid request!',
    // Confirmation
    'confirm delete billing category' => "Are you sure you want to delete the selected billing category?",
    'confirm cancel work timeslot' => "Are you sure you want to cancel the current timeslot?",
    'confirm delete mail account' => 'Warning: All emails belonging to this account will be deleted as well, are you sure that you want to delete this mail account?',
    'confirm delete message' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete this note?',
    'confirm delete milestone' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete this milestone?',
    'confirm delete task list' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete this task and all of its sub tasks?',
    'confirm delete task' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete this task?',
    'confirm delete comment' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete this comment?',
    'confirm delete project' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete this workspace and all related data (notes, tasks, milestones, files...)?',
    'confirm complete project' => 'Are you sure that you want to mark this workspace as closed? All workspace actions will be locked',
    'confirm open project' => 'Are you sure that you want to mark this workspace as open? This will unlock all workspace actions',
    'confirm delete client' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete selected client company and all of its users?\nThis action will also delete the users\' personal workspaces.',
    'confirm delete contact' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete selected contact?',
    'confirm delete user' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete this user account?\nThis action will also delete the user\'s personal workspace.',
    'confirm reset people form' => 'Are you sure that you want to reset this form? All modifications you made will be lost!',
    'confirm remove user from project' => 'Are you sure that you want to remove this user from this workspace?',
    'confirm remove company from project' => 'Are you sure that you want to remove this company from this workspace?',
    'confirm logout' => 'Are you sure that you want to log out?',
    'confirm delete current avatar' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete this avatar?',
    'confirm unlink object' => 'Are you sure that you want to unlink this object?',
    'confirm delete company logo' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete this logo?',
    'confirm subscribe' => 'Are you sure that you want to subscribe to this object? You will receive an email everytime someone (except you) posts a comment on this object.',
    'confirm unsubscribe' => 'Are you sure that you want to unsubscribe?',
    'confirm delete project form' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete this form?',
    'confirm delete folder' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete this folder?',
    'confirm delete file' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete this file?',
    'confirm delete revision' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete this revision?',
    'confirm reset form' => 'Are you sure that you want to reset this form?',
    'confirm delete contacts' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete these contacts?',
	'confirm delete group' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete this group?',
    // Errors...
    'system error message' => 'We are sorry, but a fatal error prevented OpenGoo from executing your request. An Error Report has been sent to the administrator.',
    'execute action error message' => 'We are sorry, but OpenGoo is not currently able to execute your request. An Error Report has been sent to the administrator.',
    // Log
    'log add projectmessages' => '\'{0}\' added',
    'log edit projectmessages' => '\'{0}\' updated',
    'log delete projectmessages' => '\'{0}\' deleted',
  	'log trash projectmessages' => '\'{0}\' moved to trash',
  	'log untrash projectmessages' => '\'{0}\' restored from trash',
  	'log archive projectmessages' => '\'{0}\' archived',
  	'log unarchive projectmessages' => '\'{0}\' unarchived',
  	'log comment projectmessages' => 'Commented on \'{0}\'',
  	'log subscribe projectmessages' => 'Subscribed to \'{0}\'',
  	'log unsubscribe projectmessages' => 'Unsubscribed to \'{0}\'',
    'log tag projectmessages' => '\'{0}\' tagged',
    'log link projectmessages' => '\'{0}\' linked',
    'log unlink projectmessages' => '\'{0}\' unlinked',
    'log tag projectmessages data' => '\'{0}\' tagged as \'{1}\'',
    'log link projectmessages data' => '\'{0}\' linked to {1}',
    'log unlink projectmessages data' => '\'{0}\' unlinked from  {1}',
  	'log add projectevents' => '\'{0}\' added',
    'log edit projectevents' => '\'{0}\' updated',
    'log delete projectevents' => '\'{0}\' deleted',
  	'log trash projectevents' => '\'{0}\' moved to trash',
  	'log untrash projectevents' => '\'{0}\' restored from trash',
  	'log archive projectevents' => '\'{0}\' archived',
  	'log unarchive projectevents' => '\'{0}\' unarchived',
  	'log comment projectevents' => 'Commented on \'{0}\'',
  	'log subscribe projectevents' => 'Subscribed to \'{0}\'',
  	'log unsubscribe projectevents' => 'Unsubscribed to \'{0}\'',
    'log tag projectevents' => '\'{0}\' tagged',
    'log link projectevents' => '\'{0}\' linked',
    'log unlink projectevents' => '\'{0}\' unlinked',
    'log tag projectevents data' => '\'{0}\' tagged as \'{1}\'',
    'log link projectevents data' => '\'{0}\' linked to {1}',
    'log unlink projectevents data' => '\'{0}\' unlinked from  {1}',
    'log add comments' => '{0} added',
    'log edit comments' => '{0} updated',
    'log delete comments' => '{0} deleted',
  	'log trash comments' => '\'{0}\' moved to trash',
  	'log untrash comments' => '\'{0}\' restored from trash',
  	'log archive comments' => '\'{0}\' archived',
  	'log unarchive comments' => '\'{0}\' unarchived',
  	'log comment comments' => 'Commented on \'{0}\'',
  	'log subscribe comments' => 'Subscribed to \'{0}\'',
  	'log unsubscribe comments' => 'Unsubscribed to \'{0}\'',
    'log tag comments' => '\'{0}\' tagged',
    'log link comments' => '\'{0}\' linked',
    'log unlink comments' => '\'{0}\' unlinked',
    'log tag comments data' => '\'{0}\' tagged as \'{1}\'',
    'log link comments data' => '\'{0}\' linked to {1}',
    'log unlink comments data' => '\'{0}\' unlinked from  {1}',
    'log add projectmilestones' => '\'{0}\' added',
    'log edit projectmilestones' => '\'{0}\' updated',
    'log delete projectmilestones' => '\'{0}\' deleted',
    'log close projectmilestones' => '\'{0}\' finished',
    'log open projectmilestones' => '\'{0}\' reopened',
  	'log trash projectmilestones' => '\'{0}\' moved to trash',
  	'log untrash projectmilestones' => '\'{0}\' restored from trash',
  	'log archive projectmilestones' => '\'{0}\' archived',
  	'log unarchive projectmilestones' => '\'{0}\' unarchived',
  	'log comment projectmilestones' => 'Commented on \'{0}\'',
  	'log subscribe projectmilestones' => 'Subscribed to \'{0}\'',
  	'log unsubscribe projectmilestones' => 'Unsubscribed to \'{0}\'',
    'log tag projectmilestones' => '\'{0}\' tagged',
    'log link projectmilestones' => '\'{0}\' linked',
    'log unlink projectmilestones' => '\'{0}\' unlinked',
    'log tag projectmilestones data' => '\'{0}\' tagged as \'{1}\'',
    'log link projectmilestones data' => '\'{0}\' linked to {1}',
    'log unlink projectmilestones data' => '\'{0}\' unlinked from  {1}',
    'log add projecttasklists' => '\'{0}\' added',
    'log edit projecttasklists' => '\'{0}\' updated',
    'log delete projecttasklists' => '\'{0}\' deleted',
    'log close projecttasklists' => '\'{0}\' closed',
    'log open projecttasklists' => '\'{0}\' opened',
  	'log trash projecttasklists' => '\'{0}\' moved to trash',
  	'log untrash projecttasklists' => '\'{0}\' restored from trash',
  	'log archive projecttasklists' => '\'{0}\' archived',
  	'log unarchive projecttasklists' => '\'{0}\' unarchived',
  	'log comment projecttasklists' => 'Commented on \'{0}\'',
  	'log subscribe projecttasklists' => 'Subscribed to \'{0}\'',
  	'log unsubscribe projecttasklists' => 'Unsubscribed to \'{0}\'',
    'log tag projecttasklists' => '\'{0}\' tagged',
    'log link projecttasklists' => '\'{0}\' linked',
    'log unlink projecttasklists' => '\'{0}\' unlinked',
    'log tag projecttasklists data' => '\'{0}\' tagged as \'{1}\'',
    'log link projecttasklists data' => '\'{0}\' linked to {1}',
    'log unlink projecttasklists data' => '\'{0}\' unlinked from  {1}',
    'log add projecttasks' => '\'{0}\' added',
    'log edit projecttasks' => '\'{0}\' updated',
    'log delete projecttasks' => '\'{0}\' deleted',
    'log close projecttasks' => '\'{0}\' closed',
    'log open projecttasks' => '\'{0}\' opened',
  	'log trash projecttasks' => '\'{0}\' moved to trash',
  	'log untrash projecttasks' => '\'{0}\' restored from trash',
  	'log archive projecttasks' => '\'{0}\' archived',
  	'log unarchive projecttasks' => '\'{0}\' unarchived',
  	'log comment projecttasks' => 'Commented on \'{0}\'',
  	'log subscribe projecttasks' => 'Subscribed to \'{0}\'',
  	'log unsubscribe projecttasks' => 'Unsubscribed to \'{0}\'',
    'log tag projecttasks' => '\'{0}\' tagged',
    'log link projecttasks' => '\'{0}\' linked',
    'log unlink projecttasks' => '\'{0}\' unlinked',
    'log tag projecttasks data' => '\'{0}\' tagged as \'{1}\'',
    'log link projecttasks data' => '\'{0}\' linked to {1}',
    'log unlink projecttasks data' => '\'{0}\' unlinked from  {1}',
    'log add projectforms' => '\'{0}\' added',
    'log edit projectforms' => '\'{0}\' updated',
    'log delete projectforms' => '\'{0}\' deleted',
  	'log trash projectforms' => '\'{0}\' moved to trash',
  	'log untrash projectforms' => '\'{0}\' restored from trash',
  	'log archive projectforms' => '\'{0}\' archived',
  	'log unarchive projectforms' => '\'{0}\' unarchived',
  	'log comment projectforms' => 'Commented on \'{0}\'',
  	'log subscribe projectforms' => 'Subscribed to \'{0}\'',
  	'log unsubscribe projectforms' => 'Unsubscribed to \'{0}\'',
    'log tag projectforms' => '\'{0}\' tagged',
    'log link projectforms' => '\'{0}\' linked',
    'log unlink projectforms' => '\'{0}\' unlinked',
    'log tag projectforms data' => '\'{0}\' tagged as \'{1}\'',
    'log link projectforms data' => '\'{0}\' linked to {1}',
    'log unlink projectforms data' => '\'{0}\' unlinked from  {1}',
    'log add projectfolders' => '\'{0}\' added',
    'log edit projectfolders' => '\'{0}\' updated',
    'log delete projectfolders' => '\'{0}\' deleted',
  	'log comment projectfolders' => 'Commented on \'{0}\'',
  	'log subscribe projectfolders' => 'Subscribed to \'{0}\'',
  	'log unsubscribe projectfolders' => 'Unsubscribed to \'{0}\'',
    'log tag projectfolders' => '\'{0}\' tagged',
    'log link projectfolders' => '\'{0}\' linked',
    'log unlink projectfolders' => '\'{0}\' unlinked',
    'log tag projectfolders data' => '\'{0}\' tagged as \'{1}\'',
    'log link projectfolders data' => '\'{0}\' linked to {1}',
    'log unlink projectfolders data' => '\'{0}\' unlinked from  {1}',
    'log add projectfiles' => '\'{0}\' uploaded',
    'log edit projectfiles' => '\'{0}\' updated',
    'log delete projectfiles' => '\'{0}\' deleted',
  	'log trash projectfiles' => '\'{0}\' moved to trash',
  	'log untrash projectfiles' => '\'{0}\' restored from trash',
  	'log archive projectfiles' => '\'{0}\' archived',
  	'log unarchive projectfiles' => '\'{0}\' unarchived',
  	'log comment projectfiles' => 'Commented on \'{0}\'',
  	'log subscribe projectfiles' => 'Subscribed to \'{0}\'',
  	'log unsubscribe projectfiles' => 'Unsubscribed to \'{0}\'',
    'log tag projectfiles' => '\'{0}\' tagged',
    'log link projectfiles' => '\'{0}\' linked',
    'log unlink projectfiles' => '\'{0}\' unlinked',
    'log tag projectfiles data' => '\'{0}\' tagged as \'{1}\'',
    'log link projectfiles data' => '\'{0}\' linked to {1}',
    'log unlink projectfiles data' => '\'{0}\' unlinked from  {1}',
    'log edit projectfilerevisions' => '{0} updated',
    'log delete projectfilerevisions' => '{0} deleted',
  	'log trash projectfilerevisions' => '\'{0}\' moved to trash',
  	'log untrash projectfilerevisions' => '\'{0}\' restored from trash',
  	'log archive projectfiles' => '\'{0}\' archived',
  	'log unarchive projectfiles' => '\'{0}\' unarchived',
  	'log comment projectfilerevisions' => 'Commented on \'{0}\'',
  	'log subscribe projectfilerevisions' => 'Subscribed to \'{0}\'',
  	'log unsubscribe projectfilerevisions' => 'Unsubscribed to \'{0}\'',
    'log tag projectfilerevisions' => '\'{0}\' tagged',
    'log link projectfilerevisions' => '\'{0}\' linked',
    'log unlink projectfilerevisions' => '\'{0}\' unlinked',
    'log tag projectfilerevisions data' => '\'{0}\' tagged as \'{1}\'',
    'log link projectfilerevisions data' => '\'{0}\' linked to {1}',
    'log unlink projectfilerevisions data' => '\'{0}\' unlinked from  {1}',
    'log add projectwebpages' => '\'{0}\' added',
    'log edit projectwebpages' => '\'{0}\' updated',
    'log delete projectwebpages' => '\'{0}\' deleted',
  	'log trash projectwebpages' => '\'{0}\' moved to trash',
  	'log untrash projectwebpages' => '\'{0}\' restored from trash',
  	'log archive projectwebpages' => '\'{0}\' archived',
  	'log unarchive projectwebpages' => '\'{0}\' unarchived',
  	'log comment projectwebpages' => 'Commented on \'{0}\'',
  	'log subscribe projectwebpages' => 'Subscribed to \'{0}\'',
  	'log unsubscribe projectwebpages' => 'Unsubscribed to \'{0}\'',
    'log tag projectwebpages' => '\'{0}\' tagged',
    'log link projectwebpages' => '\'{0}\' linked',
    'log unlink projectwebpages' => '\'{0}\' unlinked',
    'log tag projectwebpages data' => '\'{0}\' tagged as \'{1}\'',
    'log link projectwebpages data' => '\'{0}\' linked to {1}',
    'log unlink projectwebpages data' => '\'{0}\' unlinked from  {1}',
    'log add contacts' => '\'{0}\' added',
    'log edit contacts' => '\'{0}\' updated',
    'log delete contacts' => '\'{0}\' deleted',
  	'log trash contacts' => '\'{0}\' moved to trash',
  	'log untrash contacts' => '\'{0}\' restored from trash',
  	'log archive contacts' => '\'{0}\' archived',
  	'log unarchive contacts' => '\'{0}\' unarchived',
  	'log comment contacts' => 'Commented on \'{0}\'',
  	'log subscribe contacts' => 'Subscribed to \'{0}\'',
  	'log unsubscribe contacts' => 'Unsubscribed to \'{0}\'',
    'log tag contacts' => '\'{0}\' tagged',
    'log link contacts' => '\'{0}\' linked',
    'log unlink contacts' => '\'{0}\' unlinked',
    'log tag contacts data' => '\'{0}\' tagged as \'{1}\'',
    'log link contacts data' => '\'{0}\' linked to {1}',
    'log unlink contacts data' => '\'{0}\' unlinked from  {1}',
  	'no contacts in company' => 'The company has no contacts.',
  	'session expired error' => 'The session has expired. Please, refresh the page and login again.',
  	'admin cannot be removed from admin group' => 'First user cannot be deleted from Administrators group',
  	'open this link in a new window' => 'Open this link in a new window',
  	'confirm delete template' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete this template?',
  	'success delete template' => 'Template \'{0}\' has been deleted',
  	'success add template' => 'Template has been added',
  	'log add companies' => '\'{0}\' added',
  	'log edit companies' => '\'{0}\' updated',
  	'log delete companies' => '\'{0}\' deleted',
  	'log trash companies' => '\'{0}\' moved to trash',
  	'log untrash companies' => '\'{0}\' restored from trash',
  	'log archive companies' => '\'{0}\' archived',
  	'log unarchive companies' => '\'{0}\' unarchived',
  	'log comment companies' => 'Commented on \'{0}\'',
  	'log subscribe companies' => 'Subscribed to \'{0}\'',
  	'log unsubscribe companies' => 'Unsubscribed to \'{0}\'',
    'log tag companies' => '\'{0}\' tagged',
    'log link companies' => '\'{0}\' linked',
    'log unlink companies' => '\'{0}\' unlinked',
    'log tag companies data' => '\'{0}\' tagged as \'{1}\'',
    'log link companies data' => '\'{0}\' linked to {1}',
    'log unlink companies data' => '\'{0}\' unlinked from  {1}',
  	'log add mailcontents' => '\'{0}\' added',
  	'log edit mailcontents' => '\'{0}\' updated',
  	'log delete mailcontents' => '\'{0}\' deleted',
  	'log trash mailcontents' => '\'{0}\' moved to trash',
  	'log untrash mailcontents' => '\'{0}\' restored from trash',
  	'log archive mailcontents' => '\'{0}\' archived',
  	'log unarchive mailcontents' => '\'{0}\' unarchived',
  	'log comment mailcontents' => 'Commented on \'{0}\'',
  	'log subscribe mailcontents' => 'Subscribed to \'{0}\'',
  	'log unsubscribe mailcontents' => 'Unsubscribed to \'{0}\'',
    'log tag mailcontents' => '\'{0}\' tagged',
    'log link mailcontents' => '\'{0}\' linked',
    'log unlink mailcontents' => '\'{0}\' unlinked',
    'log tag mailcontents data' => '\'{0}\' tagged as \'{1}\'',
    'log link mailcontents data' => '\'{0}\' linked to {1}',
    'log unlink companies data' => '\'{0}\' unlinked from  {1}',
  	'log open timeslots' => '\'{0}\' opened',
    'log close timeslots' => '\'{0}\' closed',
    'log delete timeslots' => '\'{0}\' deleted',
  	'log trash timeslots' => '\'{0}\' moved to trash',
  	'log untrash timeslots' => '\'{0}\' restored from trash',
  	'log archive timeslots' => '\'{0}\' archived',
  	'log unarchive timeslots' => '\'{0}\' unarchived',
  	'log login users data' => 'user {0} logged from IP: {1}',
  	'log login users' => 'user {0} logged',
    'log edit users' => 'user {0} edited',
  	'log delete users' => 'user {0} deleted',
  	'log add users' => 'user {0} added',
  	'error assign workspace' => 'Failed to assign template to workspace',
  	'success assign workspaces' => 'Succeeded to assign template to workspace',
  	'success update config value' => 'Configuration values updated',
  	'view open tasks' => 'Open tasks',
  	'already logged in' => 'You are already logged in',
	'some tasks could not be updated due to permission restrictions' => 'Some tasks could not be updated due to permission restrictions',
  	'success trash object' => 'Object moved to trash successfully',
  	'error trash object' => 'Failed to move object to trash',
	'success untrash object' => 'Object restored from trash successfully',
  	'error untrash object' => 'Failed to restore object from trash',
  	'success trash objects' => '{0} objects moved to trash successfully',
  	'error trash objects' => 'Failed to move {0} objects to trash',
  	'success markasread objects' => '{0} objects marked as read successfully',
  	'error markasread objects' => 'Failed to mark {0} objects as read',
  	'success markasunread objects' => '{0} objects marked as unread successfully',
  	'error markasunread objects' => 'Failed to mark {0} objects as unread',
	'success untrash objects' => '{0} objects restored from trash successfully',
  	'error untrash objects' => 'Failed to restore {0} objects from trash',
	'success delete object' => 'Object deleted successfully',
  	'error delete object' => 'Failed to delete object',

  	'recipient must be specified' => 'Email recipient must be specified',
	'mail is being sent' => 'Email is being sent...',

  	'copied from file' => 'Copied from file {0} ({1})',

	'check file name advice' => 'After file name is changed press TAB to perform the file name check, and save button will be enabled.',
	'filename already exists' => 'Filename already used by another file',

  	'success purging trash' => '{0} objects deleted.',
  	'success sending reminders' => '{0} reminders sent.',
  	'failed to assign contact due to permissions' => 'You don\'t have permissions to write contacts on these workspaces: {0}',
  	'weblink dnx' => 'Requested weblink doesn\'t exist.',
  	'success markasread files' => 'Marked as read',
  	'success markasunread files' => 'Marked as unread',
  	'error markasread files' => 'Failed to marked as read',
  	'error markasunread files' => 'Failed to marked as unread',
	'some objects could not be linked' => '{0} object(s) could not be linked due to permission restrictions',
  	'user cannot link objects' => 'You don\'t have enough permissions to link objects to this object',
  	'ie browser outdated' => 'Your browser is not officially supported. For a better experience please upgrade your browser.',
    'short search query warning' => 'You search query is too short. You can try searching for "<b>{0}*</b>" to find words starting with "<b>{0}</b>".',
  	'no attachments found for email' => 'No attachments found for email',
  ); // array
