Please check our Instructions to Authors and send your manuscripts to Next issue: March 2025.
// Array of langs return array(
'upcoming milestones in next 30 days' => 'Upcoming milestones (in next 30 days)', 'show all upcoming milestones' => 'Show all upcoming milestones (total {0})',
'recent activities' => 'Recent activities', 'search button caption' => 'Search', 'search result description' => 'Displaying {0} of {1} objects that match \\"{2}"', 'search result description short' => '{0} to {1} of {2}',
// Options and descriptions 'edit this file' => 'Edit this file', 'file contents' => 'File contents',
'important message desc' => 'Important notes are listed in the "Important notes" sidebar on the workspace notes page', 'important file desc' => 'Important files are listed in the sidebar of files section in "Important files" block', 'enable comments' => 'Enable comments', 'enable comments desc' => 'Users that can view this object can post comments on it. Select "No" to lock comments', 'enable anonymous comments' => 'Anonymous comments', 'enable anonymous comments desc' => 'Allow anonymous comments be posted for this object. Anonymous comments can be posted through the API or other external sources (if enabled). The author must provide a name and valid email address. The source IP address will be logged.',
'completed task' => 'Completed task', 'completed tasks' => 'Completed tasks', 'open task' => 'Open task', 'open tasks' => 'Open tasks', 'view all completed tasks' => 'All completed tasks (total {0})', 'recently completed tasks' => 'Recently completed tasks', 'task open of total tasks' => '{0} open of {1} tasks in list',
'subtask of' => 'Subtask of: <a class="internalLink" href="{0}">{1}</a>',
'read more' => 'Read more »',
'message separator' => '
* * *
'comments on message' => '{0} comment(s)', 'comment on object' => "Comment '{0}' on '{1}'", 'revisions on file' => '{0} revision(s)', 'message posted on by linktitle' => 'Posted on {0} by {1}',
'comment posted on by linktitle' => 'Posted on {0} by {1}',
'message posted on by' => 'Posted on {0} by <a class="internalLink" href="{1}">{2}</a>', 'comment posted on' => 'Posted on {0}', 'comment posted on by' => 'Posted on {0} by <a class="internalLink" href="{1}">{2}</a>', 'completed on by' => '{0} | <a class="internalLink" href="{1}">{2}</a>', 'started on by' => '{0} | <a class="internalLink" href="{1}">{2}</a>', 'posted on by' => '{0} | <a class="internalLink" href="{1}">{2}</a>', 'milestone assigned to' => 'Assigned to {0}', 'assigned to' => 'Assigned to', 'project started on' => 'Started on',
'email sent by linktitle' => 'Sent by {1}, {0}',
'send milestone assigned to notification' => 'Send email notification to user',
'send task assigned to notification' => 'Send email notification to user',
'edit company data' => '<a class="internalLink" href="{0}">Edit</a> company data', 'company users involved in project' => '{0} users involved in {1}', 'companies involved in project' => 'Involved companies',
'tags used on projects' => 'Tags used on this workspace', 'number of tagged objects' => '{0} object(s)', 'total objects tagged with' => 'There are {0} objects tagged with {1} in this workspace', 'no objects tagged with' => 'There are no objects in this workspace tagged with {0}', 'tags widget description' => 'List of comma separated tags (example: "interface, javascript, public beta")',
'project permissions form hint' => 'Using <a class="internalLink" href="{0}">permissions form</a> you can easily add or remove companies and users and control their access permissions.',
'expand additional text' => 'Expand', 'collapse additional text' => 'Collapse', 'email notification' => 'Email notification', 'email notification desc' => 'Notify and subscribe selected people to this note via email',
'assign milestone task list desc' => 'The task can be assigned to an existing milestone',
'link existing object' => 'Link existing object (from Files section)', 'upload and link' => 'Upload new file and attach it to object', 'file permissions description' => 'Select users from Combo or write their name on the Text Box. Then press Add user to visualize them on the grid.
When you see them, select the appropriate permissions in the grid.
Note: the Combo Box will only display users you are currently sharing files with.',
'subscribers desc' => 'Subscribers will receive an email notification whenever someone (except themselves) posts a comment on this object', 'admins can post comments on locked objects desc' => 'Comments are locked, but you as administrator still have the permissions to post comments. Note that if you expect replies from your clients and non-admin users you need to unlock comments for this object (set "Enable comments" option to "Yes").',
'all permissions' => 'All', 'can manage messages' => 'Manage notes', 'can manage tasks' => 'Manage tasks', 'can manage milestones' => 'Manage milestones', 'can upload files' => 'Upload files', 'can manage files' => 'Manage files', 'can assign to owners' => 'Assign tasks to members of owner company', 'can assign to other' => 'Assign tasks to members of other clients', 'can manage properties' => 'Manage properties', 'can manage events' => 'Manage events',
'add by' => 'added by', 'edit by' => 'updated by', 'delete by' => 'deleted by', 'close by' => 'closed by', 'open by' => 'opened by', 'upload by' => 'uploaded by', 'created by' => 'Created by',
'project description' => 'Description', 'project status' => 'Workspace status', 'show project desciption in overview' => 'Show description on workspace overview page?',
'new file' => 'New file', 'existing file' => 'Existing file', 'replace file description' => 'You can replace an existing file by specifying a new one. If you don\'t want to replace it simply leave this field blank.', 'download history' => 'Download history', 'download history for' => 'Download history for <a class="internalLink" href="{0}">{1}</a>', 'downloaded by' => 'Downloaded by', 'downloaded on' => 'Downloaded on',
'order by filename' => 'filename (a-z)', 'order by posttime' => 'date and time', 'all files' => 'All files', 'upload file desc' => 'You can upload files of any type. Max filesize you are allowed to upload is {0}', 'file revision info short' => 'Revision #{0} (created on {1})', 'file revision info long' => 'Revision #{0} (by <a class="internalLink" href="{1}">{2}</a> on {3})', 'file revision title short' => 'Created on {0}', 'file revision title long' => '<a class="internalLink" href="{0}">{1}</a> on {2}', 'file checkout info short' => 'Checked out on {0}', 'file checkout info long' => 'Checked out by <a class="internalLink" href="{0}">{1}</a> on {2}', 'update file' => 'Update file', 'version file change' => 'Remember this change (old file will be saved for the reference)', 'last revision' => 'Last revision', 'revision comment' => 'Revision comment', 'edit revision comment' => 'Edit revision comment', 'initial versions' => '-- Initial version --', 'file details' => 'File details', 'view file details' => 'View file details',
'add link object control' => 'Add object', 'remove link object control' => 'Remove', 'link objects to object desc' => 'Use this form to link objects to <a href="{0}">{1}</a>. You can link one or many objects. You can select any existing object or upload new ones. New objects will also be available through files section when you upload them.', 'select object' => 'Select an object',
'admin notice comments disabled' => 'Comments are disabled for this object, but you as administrator still can comment. If you expect replies from other, non-admin users you should set value of Enable comments option to Yes.',
// iCal
'icalendar' => 'iCalendar', 'icalendar subscribe' => 'iCalendar', 'icalendar subscribe desc' => 'Use this link to bring milestone data to your favorite calendar application.', 'icalendar password change notice' => 'Note: if you change your password the link to the calendar data will also change! You\'ll need to resubscribe.',
// Add project form
'success message' => 'Success note', 'project form action' => 'Action', 'project form action add comment' => 'Add comment', 'project form action add task' => 'Add task', 'project form enabled' => 'Enabled', 'project form visible' => 'Visible', 'add comment to message' => 'Add comment to <a class="internalLink" href="{0}">{1}</a>', 'add comment to message short' => 'to', 'add task to list' => 'Add task to <a class="internalLink" href="{0}">{1}</a>', 'add task to list short' => 'to',
// Private
'private message desc' => 'Private notes are visible only to owner company members. Members of client companies will not be able to see them.', 'private webpage desc' => 'Private web links are visible only to owner company members. Members of client companies will not be able to see them.', 'private milestone desc' => 'Private milestones are visible only to owner company members. Members of client companies will not be able to see them.', 'private task list desc' => 'Private tasks are visible only to owner company members. Members of client companies will not be able to see them.', 'private comment desc' => 'Private comments are visible only to owner company members. Members of client companies will not be able to see them.', 'private file desc' => 'Private files are visible only to the members of the owner company. Members of client companies will not be able to see them', 'select a tag' => 'Select a tag...', 'select a user' => 'Select a user...', 'select a project' => 'Select a workspace...', 'upload a file' => 'Upload a file', 'upload project desc' => 'The workspace where to store the uploaded file', 'upload tag desc' => 'Here you can select an existing tag or a new tag for the file. After selecting the tag press Enter to add another tag.', 'upload permissions desc' => 'Choose the users that will have permission to access the file. Analog to the tags, type or choose a username and then press enter to keep adding other users.', 'upload description desc' => 'Type a description for the file', 'uploading file' => 'Uploading file...',
'cannot delete personal project' => 'The personal workspace can\'t be deleted',
'workspace color' => 'Workspace color', 'workspace template' => 'Workspace template', 'color1' => 'Red', 'color2' => 'Green', 'color3' => 'Blue', 'color4' => 'Yellow', 'color5' => 'Orange', 'color6' => 'Magenta', 'color7' => 'Cyan', 'color8' => 'Violet', 'choose a color' => 'Choose a color',
'show more' => 'Show more', 'show more amount' => 'Show more ({0})',
'new contact' => 'New contact', 'work' => 'Work', 'home' => 'Home', 'other' => 'Other',
/* Reporting */
'display' => 'Display', 'display options' => 'Display options', 'show in project' => 'Show in workspace', 'show in project desc' => 'Show this chart in the overview panel of the selected workspace', 'show in parents' => 'Show in parents', 'show in parents desc' => 'Show this chart in the overview panel of every parent workspace of the selected workspace', 'reporting' => 'Reporting',
'chart' => 'Chart', 'new chart' => 'New chart', 'add chart' => 'Add chart', 'edit chart' => 'Edit chart', 'delete chart' => 'Delete chart', 'ObjectTypeCount' => 'Object quantities by type', 'TasksByDueDate' => 'Personal tasks sorted by due date', 'BudgetExecution' => 'Budget execution', 'BudgetExecutionTrack' => 'Budget execution by month', 'MonthlyBudgetExecution' => 'Budget execution in the current month', 'bars chart' => 'Bars', 'pie chart' => 'Pie', 'lines chart' => 'Lines', 'draw chart' => 'Draw', 'chart display' => 'Display', 'bar sketch' => 'Sketch bars', 'bar 3d' => '3d bars', 'bar glass' => 'Glass bars', 'budgeted' => 'Budgeted', 'current' => 'Current',
'executed' => 'Executed', 'not executed' => 'Not executed',
'success deleted chart' => 'Chart \'{0}\' deleted successfully', 'error deleted chart' => 'An error occurred while deleting the chart',
'task priority' => 'Priority', 'high priority' => 'High', 'normal priority' => 'Normal', 'low priority' => 'Low',
'time estimate' => 'Time estimate', 'time estimate desc' => 'Estimated duration of the task in hours.', 'x hours' => '{0} hours.', 'pending' => 'Pending',
'new task template' => 'New task template', 'edit task template' => 'Edit task template', 'new task from template' => 'New task from template', 'save as template' => 'Save as template', 'save template' => 'Save template', 'delete template' => 'Delete template', 'new milestone template' => 'New milestone template', 'new milestone from template' => 'New milestone from template', 'loading' => 'Loading',
'show all' => 'Show all',
'unassigned' => 'Unassigned', 'latest comments' => 'Latest comments', 'include unworked pending tasks' => 'Include unworked pending tasks', 'unworked pending tasks' => 'Unworked pending tasks', 'assign contact to workspace desc' => 'To assign the contact to a workspace check the workspace and then fill in the role in the text field.',
'cannot change parent workspace' => 'You don\'t have enough access permissions to change this workspace\'s parent.', 'cannot change parent workspace description' => 'This workspace might be a child of a workspace you don\'t have access to.',
'copy of file' => 'Copy of {0}', 'add subscribers desc' => 'Subscribe selected people to this object. Subscribed users will receive notifications about changes made to this object.', 'add custom property' => 'Add a custom property', 'fetch imap folders' => 'Fetch IMAP folders', 'no reports found' => 'No reports found for {0}',
'remove this widget' => 'Remove this widget', 'add a new' => 'Add a new', 'other settings' => 'Other settings', 'incoming settings' => 'Incoming settings', 'default account' => 'Default account', 'default account description' => 'The default account is the one used by default when you compose an email.', 'signature' => 'Signature', 'signature description' => 'The signature will be appended to every mail you send from this account.', 'attach contents' => 'Attach contents', 'set parent task' => 'Set parent task', ); // array