Line 1: |
Line 1: |
| <?php | | <?php |
| |
| // Array of langs | | // Reporting |
| return array( | | return array( |
| 'upcoming milestones in next 30 days' => 'Upcoming milestones (in next 30 days)',
| | |
| 'show all upcoming milestones' => 'Show all upcoming milestones (total {0})',
| | 'custom' => 'Custom', |
| | | 'custom reports' => 'Custom reports', |
| 'recent activities' => 'Recent activities', | | 'no custom reports' => 'There are no custom reports', |
| 'search button caption' => 'Search',
| | 'add custom report' => 'Add a custom report', |
| 'search result description' => 'Displaying <strong>{0} of {1}</strong> objects that match <strong>\\"{2}"</strong>',
| | 'edit custom report' => 'Edit custom report', |
| 'search result description short' => '{0} to {1} of {2}',
| | 'new custom report' => 'New custom report', |
| | | 'add report' => 'Add report', |
| // Options and descriptions
| | 'object type' => 'Object Type', |
| 'edit this file' => 'Edit this file',
| | 'add condition' => 'Add condition', |
| 'file contents' => 'File contents',
| | 'custom report created' => 'Custom report created', |
| | | 'custom report updated' => 'Custom report updated', |
| 'important message desc' => 'Important notes are listed in the "Important notes" sidebar on the workspace notes page',
| | 'conditions' => 'Conditions', |
| 'important file desc' => 'Important files are listed in the sidebar of files section in "Important files" block',
| | 'columns and order' => 'Columns & Order', |
| 'enable comments' => 'Enable comments',
| | 'true' => 'True', |
| 'enable comments desc' => 'Users that can view this object can post comments on it. Select "No" to lock comments',
| | 'false' => 'False', |
| 'enable anonymous comments' => 'Anonymous comments',
| | 'field' => 'Field', |
| 'enable anonymous comments desc' => 'Allow anonymous comments be posted for this object. Anonymous comments can be posted through the API or other external sources (if enabled). The author must provide a name and valid email address. The source IP address will be logged.',
| | 'condition' => 'Condition', |
| | | 'ends with' => 'ends with', |
| 'completed task' => 'Completed task',
| | 'select unselect all' => 'Select/Unselect all', |
| 'completed tasks' => 'Completed tasks',
| | 'ascending' => 'Ascending', |
| 'open task' => 'Open task',
| | 'descending' => 'Descending', |
| 'open tasks' => 'Open tasks',
| | 'parametrizable'=> 'Paramenter?', |
| 'view all completed tasks' => 'All completed tasks (total {0})',
| | ); |
| 'recently completed tasks' => 'Recently completed tasks',
| |
| 'task open of total tasks' => '{0} open of {1} tasks in list',
| |
| 'subtask of' => 'Subtask of: <a class="internalLink" href="{0}">{1}</a>',
| |
| | |
| 'read more' => 'Read more »',
| |
| 'message separator' => '<p>* * *</p>',
| |
| 'comments on message' => '{0} comment(s)',
| |
| 'comment on object' => "Comment '{0}' on '{1}'",
| |
| 'revisions on file' => '{0} revision(s)',
| |
| |
| 'message posted on by linktitle' => 'Posted on {0} by {1}',
| |
| 'comment posted on by linktitle' => 'Posted on {0} by {1}',
| |
| 'message posted on by' => 'Posted on {0} by <a class="internalLink" href="{1}">{2}</a>',
| |
| 'comment posted on' => 'Posted on {0}',
| |
| 'comment posted on by' => 'Posted on {0} by <a class="internalLink" href="{1}">{2}</a>',
| |
| 'completed on by' => '{0} | <a class="internalLink" href="{1}">{2}</a>',
| |
| 'started on by' => '{0} | <a class="internalLink" href="{1}">{2}</a>',
| |
| 'posted on by' => '{0} | <a class="internalLink" href="{1}">{2}</a>',
| |
| 'milestone assigned to' => 'Assigned to {0}',
| |
| 'assigned to' => 'Assigned to',
| |
| 'project started on' => 'Started on',
| |
| | |
| 'email sent by linktitle' => 'Sent by {1}, {0}',
| |
| | |
| 'send milestone assigned to notification' => 'Send email notification to user',
| |
| 'send task assigned to notification' => 'Send email notification to user',
| |
| | |
| 'edit company data' => '<a class="internalLink" href="{0}">Edit</a> company data',
| |
| 'company users involved in project' => '{0} users involved in {1}',
| |
| 'companies involved in project' => 'Involved companies',
| |
| | |
| 'tags used on projects' => 'Tags used on this workspace',
| |
| 'number of tagged objects' => '{0} object(s)',
| |
| 'total objects tagged with' => 'There are <b>{0}</b> objects tagged with <b>{1}</b> in this workspace',
| |
| 'no objects tagged with' => 'There are no objects in this workspace tagged with <b>{0}</b>',
| |
| 'tags widget description' => 'List of comma separated tags (example: "interface, javascript, public beta")',
| |
| | |
| 'project permissions form hint' => 'Using <a class="internalLink" href="{0}">permissions form</a> you can easily add or remove companies and users and control their access permissions.',
| |
| | |
| 'expand additional text' => 'Expand',
| |
| 'collapse additional text' => 'Collapse',
| |
| 'email notification' => 'Email notification',
| |
| 'email notification desc' => 'Notify and subscribe selected people to this note via email',
| |
| 'assign milestone task list desc' => 'The task can be assigned to an existing milestone',
| |
| |
| 'link existing object' => 'Link existing object (from Files section)',
| |
| 'upload and link' => 'Upload new file and attach it to object',
| |
| 'file permissions description' => 'Select users from Combo or write their name on the Text Box. Then press Add user to visualize them on the grid. <br>When you see them, select the appropriate permissions in the grid.<br>Note: the Combo Box will only display users you are currently sharing files with.',
| |
| | |
| 'subscribers desc' => 'Subscribers will receive an email notification whenever someone (except themselves) posts a comment on this object',
| |
| 'admins can post comments on locked objects desc' => '<strong>Comments are locked</strong>, but you as administrator still have the permissions to post comments. Note that if you expect replies from your clients and non-admin users you need to unlock comments for this object <i>(set "Enable comments" option to "Yes")</i>.',
| |
| | |
| 'all permissions' => 'All',
| |
| 'can manage messages' => 'Manage notes',
| |
| 'can manage tasks' => 'Manage tasks',
| |
| 'can manage milestones' => 'Manage milestones',
| |
| 'can upload files' => 'Upload files',
| |
| 'can manage files' => 'Manage files',
| |
| 'can assign to owners' => 'Assign tasks to members of owner company',
| |
| 'can assign to other' => 'Assign tasks to members of other clients',
| |
| 'can manage properties' => 'Manage properties',
| |
| 'can manage events' => 'Manage events',
| |
| | |
| 'add by' => 'added by',
| |
| 'edit by' => 'updated by',
| |
| 'delete by' => 'deleted by',
| |
| 'close by' => 'closed by',
| |
| 'open by' => 'opened by',
| |
| 'upload by' => 'uploaded by',
| |
| 'created by' => 'Created by',
| |
| | |
| 'project description' => 'Description',
| |
| 'project status' => 'Workspace status',
| |
| 'show project desciption in overview' => 'Show description on workspace overview page?',
| |
| | |
| 'new file' => 'New file',
| |
| 'existing file' => 'Existing file',
| |
| 'replace file description' => 'You can replace an existing file by specifying a new one. If you don\'t want to replace it simply leave this field blank.',
| |
| 'download history' => 'Download history',
| |
| 'download history for' => 'Download history for <a class="internalLink" href="{0}">{1}</a>',
| |
| 'downloaded by' => 'Downloaded by',
| |
| 'downloaded on' => 'Downloaded on',
| |
| | |
| 'order by filename' => 'filename (a-z)',
| |
| 'order by posttime' => 'date and time',
| |
| 'all files' => 'All files',
| |
| 'upload file desc' => 'You can upload files of any type. Max filesize you are allowed to upload is {0}',
| |
| 'file revision info short' => 'Revision #{0} <span>(created on {1})</span>',
| |
| 'file revision info long' => 'Revision #{0} <span>(by <a class="internalLink" href="{1}">{2}</a> on {3})</span>',
| |
| 'file revision title short' => 'Created on {0}</span>',
| |
| 'file revision title long' => '<b><a class="internalLink" href="{0}">{1}</a></b> on {2}',
| |
| 'file checkout info short' => '<span>Checked out on {0}</span>',
| |
| 'file checkout info long' => '<span>Checked out by </span> <a class="internalLink" href="{0}">{1}</a> <span> on {2}</span>',
| |
| 'update file' => 'Update file',
| |
| 'version file change' => 'Remember this change (old file will be saved for the reference)',
| |
| 'last revision' => 'Last revision',
| |
| 'revision comment' => 'Revision comment',
| |
| 'edit revision comment' => 'Edit revision comment',
| |
| 'initial versions' => '-- Initial version --',
| |
| 'file details' => 'File details',
| |
| 'view file details' => 'View file details',
| |
| | |
| | |
| 'add link object control' => 'Add object',
| |
| 'remove link object control' => 'Remove',
| |
| 'link objects to object desc' => 'Use this form to link objects to <strong><a href="{0}">{1}</a></strong>. You can link one or many objects. You can select any existing object or upload new ones. <strong>New objects will also be available through files section when you upload them</strong>.',
| |
| 'select object' => 'Select an object',
| |
| | |
| | |
| 'admin notice comments disabled' => 'Comments are disabled for this object, but you as administrator still can comment. If you expect replies from other, non-admin users you should set value of Enable comments option to Yes.',
| |
| | |
| // iCal
| |
| 'icalendar' => 'iCalendar',
| |
| 'icalendar subscribe' => 'iCalendar',
| |
| 'icalendar subscribe desc' => 'Use this link to bring milestone data to your favorite calendar application.',
| |
| 'icalendar password change notice' => '<strong>Note:</strong> if you change your password the link to the calendar data will also change! You\'ll need to resubscribe.',
| |
| | |
| // Add project form
| |
| 'success message' => 'Success note',
| |
| 'project form action' => 'Action',
| |
| 'project form action add comment' => 'Add comment',
| |
| 'project form action add task' => 'Add task',
| |
| 'project form enabled' => 'Enabled',
| |
| 'project form visible' => 'Visible',
| |
| 'add comment to message' => 'Add comment to <a class="internalLink" href="{0}">{1}</a>',
| |
| 'add comment to message short' => 'to',
| |
| 'add task to list' => 'Add task to <a class="internalLink" href="{0}">{1}</a>',
| |
| 'add task to list short' => 'to',
| |
| | |
| // Private
| |
| 'private message desc' => 'Private notes are visible only to owner company members. Members of client companies will not be able to see them.',
| |
| 'private webpage desc' => 'Private web links are visible only to owner company members. Members of client companies will not be able to see them.',
| |
| 'private milestone desc' => 'Private milestones are visible only to owner company members. Members of client companies will not be able to see them.',
| |
| 'private task list desc' => 'Private tasks are visible only to owner company members. Members of client companies will not be able to see them.',
| |
| 'private comment desc' => 'Private comments are visible only to owner company members. Members of client companies will not be able to see them.',
| |
| 'private file desc' => 'Private files are visible only to the members of the owner company. Members of client companies will not be able to see them',
| |
| |
| 'select a tag' => 'Select a tag...', | |
| 'select a user' => 'Select a user...', | |
| 'select a project' => 'Select a workspace...', | |
| 'upload a file' => 'Upload a file', | |
| 'upload project desc' => 'The workspace where to store the uploaded file', | |
| 'upload tag desc' => 'Here you can select an existing tag or a new tag for the file. After selecting the tag press Enter to add another tag.', | |
| 'upload permissions desc' => 'Choose the users that will have permission to access the file. Analog to the tags, type or choose a username and then press enter to keep adding other users.',
| |
| 'upload description desc' => 'Type a description for the file', | |
| 'uploading file' => 'Uploading file...', | |
| | |
| 'cannot delete personal project' => 'The personal workspace can\'t be deleted',
| |
| | |
| 'workspace color' => 'Workspace color',
| |
| 'workspace template' => 'Workspace template',
| |
| 'color1' => 'Red',
| |
| 'color2' => 'Green',
| |
| 'color3' => 'Blue',
| |
| 'color4' => 'Yellow',
| |
| 'color5' => 'Orange',
| |
| 'color6' => 'Magenta',
| |
| 'color7' => 'Cyan',
| |
| 'color8' => 'Violet',
| |
| 'choose a color' => 'Choose a color',
| |
| | |
| 'show more' => 'Show more',
| |
| 'show more amount' => 'Show more ({0})',
| |
| | |
| //Contacts
| |
| | |
| 'new contact' => 'New contact',
| |
| 'work' => 'Work',
| |
| 'home' => 'Home',
| |
| 'other' => 'Other',
| |
| | |
| | |
| /* Reporting */
| |
| | | |
| 'display' => 'Display',
| |
| 'display options' => 'Display options',
| |
| 'show in project' => 'Show in workspace',
| |
| 'show in project desc' => 'Show this chart in the overview panel of the selected workspace',
| |
| 'show in parents' => 'Show in parents',
| |
| 'show in parents desc' => 'Show this chart in the overview panel of every parent workspace of the selected workspace',
| |
| 'reporting' => 'Reporting',
| |
| 'chart' => 'Chart',
| |
| 'new chart' => 'New chart',
| |
| 'add chart' => 'Add chart',
| |
| 'edit chart' => 'Edit chart',
| |
| 'delete chart' => 'Delete chart',
| |
| 'ObjectTypeCount' => 'Object quantities by type',
| |
| 'TasksByDueDate' => 'Personal tasks sorted by due date',
| |
| 'BudgetExecution' => 'Budget execution',
| |
| 'BudgetExecutionTrack' => 'Budget execution by month',
| |
| 'MonthlyBudgetExecution' => 'Budget execution in the current month',
| |
| 'bars chart' => 'Bars',
| |
| 'pie chart' => 'Pie',
| |
| 'lines chart' => 'Lines',
| |
| 'draw chart' => 'Draw',
| |
| 'chart display' => 'Display',
| |
| 'bar sketch' => 'Sketch bars',
| |
| 'bar 3d' => '3d bars',
| |
| 'bar glass' => 'Glass bars',
| |
| 'budgeted' => 'Budgeted',
| |
| 'current' => 'Current',
| |
| |
| 'executed' => 'Executed',
| |
| 'not executed' => 'Not executed',
| |
| |
| 'success deleted chart' => 'Chart \'{0}\' deleted successfully',
| |
| 'error deleted chart' => 'An error occurred while deleting the chart',
| |
| |
| 'task priority' => 'Priority',
| |
| 'high priority' => 'High',
| |
| 'normal priority' => 'Normal',
| |
| 'low priority' => 'Low',
| |
| |
| 'time estimate' => 'Time estimate',
| |
| 'time estimate desc' => 'Estimated duration of the task in hours.',
| |
| 'x hours' => '{0} hours.',
| |
| 'pending' => 'Pending',
| |
| |
| 'new task template' => 'New task template',
| |
| 'edit task template' => 'Edit task template',
| |
| 'new task from template' => 'New task from template',
| |
| 'save as template' => 'Save as template',
| |
| 'save template' => 'Save template',
| |
| 'delete template' => 'Delete template',
| |
| 'new milestone template' => 'New milestone template',
| |
| 'new milestone from template' => 'New milestone from template',
| |
| 'loading' => 'Loading',
| |
| |
| 'show all' => 'Show all',
| |
| |
| 'unassigned' => 'Unassigned',
| |
| 'latest comments' => 'Latest comments',
| |
| 'include unworked pending tasks' => 'Include unworked pending tasks',
| |
| 'unworked pending tasks' => 'Unworked pending tasks',
| |
| 'assign contact to workspace desc' => 'To assign the contact to a workspace check the workspace and then fill in the role in the text field.',
| |
| |
| 'cannot change parent workspace' => 'You don\'t have enough access permissions to change this workspace\'s parent.',
| |
| 'cannot change parent workspace description' => 'This workspace might be a child of a workspace you don\'t have access to.',
| |
| |
| 'copy of file' => 'Copy of {0}',
| |
| 'add subscribers desc' => 'Subscribe selected people to this object. Subscribed users will receive notifications about changes made to this object.',
| |
| 'add custom property' => 'Add a custom property',
| |
| 'fetch imap folders' => 'Fetch IMAP folders',
| |
| 'no reports found' => 'No reports found for {0}',
| |
| |
| 'remove this widget' => 'Remove this widget',
| |
| 'add a new' => 'Add a new',
| |
| 'other settings' => 'Other settings',
| |
| 'incoming settings' => 'Incoming settings',
| |
| 'default account' => 'Default account',
| |
| 'default account description' => 'The default account is the one used by default when you compose an email.',
| |
| 'signature' => 'Signature',
| |
| 'signature description' => 'The signature will be appended to every mail you send from this account.',
| |
| 'attach contents' => 'Attach contents',
| |
| 'set parent task' => 'Set parent task',
| |
| ); // array
| |
| |
| ?> | | ?> |