(77 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown) |
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| <pre>
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| <?php
| |
| |
| return array(
| |
| |
| // Company fields
| |
| 'field Companies name' => 'Име',
| |
| 'field Companies address' => 'Адрес 1',
| |
| 'field Companies address2' => 'Адрес 2',
| |
| 'field Companies city' => 'Град',
| |
| 'field Companies state' => 'Щат',
| |
| 'field Companies zipcode' => 'Пощенски код',
| |
| 'field Companies country' => 'Държава',
| |
| 'field Companies phone_number' => 'телефон',
| |
| 'field Companies fax_number' => 'Факс',
| |
| 'field Companies email' => 'Адрес на електронна поща',
| |
| 'field Companies homepage' => 'Уебсайт',
| |
| 'field Companies notes' => 'Бележки',
| |
| 'field Companies homepage' => 'Уебсайт', // повтаря се по-горе
| |
| 'field Companies created_on' => 'Created on',
| |
| 'field Companies updated_on' => 'Updated on',
| |
| 'field Companies created_by_id' => 'Created by',
| |
| 'field Companies updated_by_id' => 'Updated by',
| |
| |
| // Contact fields
| |
| 'field Contacts company_id' => 'Компания',
| |
| 'field Contacts firstname' => 'Собствено име',
| |
| 'field Contacts lastname' => 'Фамилия',
| |
| 'field Contacts email' => 'Адрес на електронна поща',
| |
| 'field Contacts w_web_page' => 'Служебен уебсайт',
| |
| 'field Contacts w_address' => 'Служебен адрес',
| |
| 'field Contacts w_city' => 'Град по месторабота',
| |
| 'field Contacts w_state' => 'Щат по месторабота',
| |
| 'field Contacts w_zipcode' => 'Пощенски код по месторабота',
| |
| 'field Contacts w_country' => 'Държава по месторабота',
| |
| 'field Contacts w_phone_number' => 'Служебен телефон 1',
| |
| 'field Contacts w_phone_number2' => 'Служебен телефон 2',
| |
| 'field Contacts w_fax_number' => 'Служебен факс',
| |
| 'field Contacts w_assistant_number' => 'Work assistant',
| |
| 'field Contacts w_callback_number' => 'Work callback',
| |
| |
| 'field Contacts h_web_page' => 'Личен уебсайт',
| |
| 'field Contacts h_address' => 'Личен адрес',
| |
| 'field Contacts h_city' => 'Град по местоживеене',
| |
| 'field Contacts h_state' => 'Щат по местоживеене',
| |
| 'field Contacts h_zipcode' => 'Пощенски код по местоживеене',
| |
| 'field Contacts h_country' => 'Държава по месторабота',
| |
| 'field Contacts h_phone_number' => 'Личен телефон 1',
| |
| 'field Contacts h_phone_number2' => 'Личен телефон 2',
| |
| 'field Contacts h_fax_number' => 'Личен факс',
| |
| 'field Contacts h_mobile_number' => 'Личен мобилен телефон',
| |
| 'field Contacts h_pager_number' => 'Личен пейджър',
| |
| |
| 'field Contacts o_web_page' => 'Друг уебсайт',
| |
| 'field Contacts o_address' => 'Друг адрес',
| |
| 'field Contacts o_city' => 'Друг град',
| |
| 'field Contacts o_state' => 'Друг щат',
| |
| 'field Contacts o_zipcode' => 'Друг пощенски код',
| |
| 'field Contacts o_country' => 'Друга страна',
| |
| 'field Contacts o_phone_number' => 'Друг телефон 1',
| |
| 'field Contacts o_phone_number2' => 'Друг телефон 2',
| |
| 'field Contacts o_fax_number' => 'Друг факс',
| |
| 'field Contacts o_birthday' => 'Рождена дата',
| |
| 'field Contacts email2' => 'Адрес на електронна поща 2',
| |
| 'field Contacts email3' => 'Адрес на електронна поща 3',
| |
| 'field Contacts job_title' => 'Название на длъжността',
| |
| 'field Contacts department' => 'отдел',
| |
| 'field Contacts middlename' => 'Презиме',
| |
| 'field Contacts notes' => 'Бележки',
| |
| 'field Contacts created_on' => 'Created on',
| |
| 'field Contacts updated_on' => 'Updated on',
| |
| 'field Contacts created_by_id' => 'Created by',
| |
| 'field Contacts updated_by_id' => 'Updated by',
| |
| |
| // Email fields
| |
| 'field MailContents from' => 'От',
| |
| 'field MailContents from_name' => 'From name',
| |
| 'field MailContents to' => 'До',
| |
| 'field MailContents date' => 'Дата',
| |
| 'field MailContents sent_date' => 'Дата на изпращане',
| |
| 'field MailContents subject' => 'Тема',
| |
| 'field MailContents content' => 'Съдържание',
| |
| 'field MailContents body_plain' => 'Обикновен текст',
| |
| 'field MailContents body_html' => 'HTML',
| |
| 'field MailContents has_attachments' => 'Прикачени файлове',
| |
| 'field MailContents size' => 'Размер',
| |
| 'field MailContents state' => 'Състояния',
| |
| 'field MailContents is_deleted' => 'Is deleted',
| |
| 'field MailContents is_shared' => 'Is shared',
| |
| 'field MailContents imap_folder_name' => 'IMAP Folder name',
| |
| 'field MailContents account_email' => 'Account email',
| |
| 'field MailContents created_on' => 'Created on',
| |
| 'field MailContents created_by_id' => 'Created by',
| |
| 'field MailContents updated_by_id' => 'Updated by',
| |
| |
| // Event fields
| |
| 'field ProjectEvents duration' => 'Продължителност',
| |
| 'field ProjectEvents start' => 'Начало',
| |
| 'field ProjectEvents subject' => 'Тема',
| |
| 'field ProjectEvents repeat_forever'=> 'Repeat forever',
| |
| 'field ProjectEvents description' => 'Описание',
| |
| 'field ProjectEvents private' => 'Private',
| |
| 'field ProjectEvents repeat_end' => 'Repeat end',
| |
| 'field ProjectEvents repeat_num' => 'Repeat number',
| |
| 'field ProjectEvents repeat_d' => 'Repeat day',
| |
| 'field ProjectEvents repeat_m' => 'Repeat month',
| |
| 'field ProjectEvents repeat_y' => 'Repeat year',
| |
| 'field ProjectEvents repeat_h' => 'Repeat hour',
| |
| 'field ProjectEvents created_on' => 'Created on',
| |
| 'field ProjectEvents updated_on' => 'Updated on',
| |
| 'field ProjectEvents created_by_id' => 'Created by',
| |
| 'field ProjectEvents updated_by_id' => 'Updated by',
| |
| |
| // File fields
| |
| 'field ProjectFiles filename' => 'Име на файл',
| |
| 'field ProjectFiles description' => 'Описание',
| |
| 'field ProjectFiles is_important' => 'Is important',
| |
| 'field ProjectFiles is_locked' => 'Is locked',
| |
| 'field ProjectFiles is_visible' => 'Is visible',
| |
| 'field ProjectFiles expiration_time' => 'Expiration time',
| |
| 'field ProjectFiles comments_enabled' => 'Разрешени коментари',
| |
| 'field ProjectFiles anonymous_comments_enabled' => 'Разрешени анонимни коментари',
| |
| 'field ProjectFiles url' => 'Уеб адрес',
| |
| 'field ProjectFiles created_on' => 'Created on',
| |
| 'field ProjectFiles updated_on' => 'Updated on',
| |
| 'field ProjectFiles checked_out_on' => 'Checked out on',
| |
| 'field ProjectFiles created_by_id' => 'Created by',
| |
| 'field ProjectFiles updated_by_id' => 'Updated by',
| |
| |
| // Milestone fields
| |
| 'field ProjectMilestones name' => 'Заглавие',
| |
| 'field ProjectMilestones description' => 'Описание',
| |
| 'field ProjectMilestones due_date' => 'Крайна дата',
| |
| 'field ProjectMilestones completed_on' => 'Completed on',
| |
| 'field ProjectMilestones is_template' => 'Is template',
| |
| 'field ProjectMilestones created_on' => 'Created on',
| |
| 'field ProjectMilestones updated_on' => 'Updated on',
| |
| 'field ProjectMilestones created_by_id' => 'Created by',
| |
| 'field ProjectMilestones updated_by_id' => 'Updated by',
| |
| 'field ProjectMilestones assigned_to_company_id' => 'Assigned to company',
| |
| 'field ProjectMilestones assigned_to_user_id' => 'Assigned to user',
| |
| |
| // Message fields
| |
| 'field ProjectMessages title' => 'Заглавие',
| |
| 'field ProjectMessages text' => 'Текст',
| |
| 'field ProjectMessages additional_text' => 'Допълнителен текст',
| |
| 'field ProjectMessages is_important' => 'Is important',
| |
| 'field ProjectMessages comments_enabled' => 'Разрешени коментари',
| |
| 'field ProjectMessages anonymous_comments_enabled' => 'Разрешени анонимни коментари',
| |
| 'field ProjectMessages created_on' => 'Created on',
| |
| 'field ProjectMessages updated_on' => 'Updated on',
| |
| 'field ProjectMessages created_by_id' => 'Created by',
| |
| 'field ProjectMessages updated_by_id' => 'Updated by',
| |
| 'field ProjectMessages milestone_id' => 'Междинна цел',
| |
| |
| // Task fields
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks text' => 'Текст',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks completed_on' => 'Completed on',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks due_date' => 'Крайна дата',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks start_date' => 'Начална дата',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks created_on' => 'Created on',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks updated_on' => 'Updated on',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks order' => 'Order',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks title' => 'Заглавие',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks started_on' => 'Started on',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks priority' => 'Приоритет',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks assigned_on' => 'Assigned on',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks time_estimate' => 'Оценка на времето',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks is_template' => 'Is template',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks created_by_id' => 'Created by',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks updated_by_id' => 'Updated by',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks milestone_id' => 'Междинна цел',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks assigned_to_company_id' => 'Assigned to company',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks assigned_to_user_id' => 'Assigned to user',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks completed_by_id' => 'Completed by',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks repeat_by' => 'Repeat by',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks repeat_end' => 'Repeat end',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks repeat_num' => 'Repeat number',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks repeat_forever' => 'Repeat forever',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks repeat_d' => 'Repeat day',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks repeat_m' => 'Repeat month',
| |
| 'field ProjectTasks repeat_y' => 'Repeat year',
| |
| |
| // User fields
| |
| 'field Users username' => 'Потребителско име',
| |
| 'field Users email' => 'Електронна поща',
| |
| 'field Users display_name' => 'Display name',
| |
| 'field Users title' => 'Title',
| |
| 'field Users created_on' => 'Created on',
| |
| 'field Users updated_on' => 'Updated on',
| |
| 'field Users last_login' => 'Последно влизане в системата',
| |
| 'field Users last_visit' => 'Последно посещение',
| |
| 'field Users last_activity' => 'Последна активност',
| |
| 'field Users can_edit_company_data' => 'Разрешено е редактирането на данните за компанията',
| |
| 'field Users can_manage_workspaces'=> 'Разрешено е управлението на работните пространства',
| |
| 'field Users can_manage_security' => 'Разрешено е управлението на сигурността',
| |
| 'field Users can_manage_configuration' => 'Разрешено е управлението на конфигурацията',
| |
| 'field Users auto_assign' => 'Auto assign',
| |
| 'field Users can_manage_contacts' => 'Разрешено е управлението на контактите',
| |
| 'field Users can_manage_templates' => 'Разрешено е управлението на шаблоните',
| |
| 'field Users can_manage_reports'=> 'Разрешено е управлението на отчетите',
| |
| 'field Users created_by_id' => 'Created by',
| |
| 'field Users updated_by_id' => 'Updated by',
| |
| 'field Users company_id' => 'Компания',
| |
| |
| // Webpage fields
| |
| 'field ProjectWebpages url' => 'Уеб адрес',
| |
| 'field ProjectWebpages title' => 'Заглавие',
| |
| 'field ProjectWebpages description' => 'Описание',
| |
| 'field ProjectWebpages created_on' => 'Created on',
| |
| 'field ProjectWebpages updated_on' => 'Updated on',
| |
| 'field ProjectWebpages created_by_id' => 'Created by',
| |
| 'field ProjectWebpages updated_by_id' => 'Updated by',
| |
| |
| // Project fields
| |
| 'field Projects name' => 'Име',
| |
| 'field Projects description' => 'Описание',
| |
| 'field Projects show_description_in_overview' => 'Show description in overview',
| |
| 'field Projects completed_on' => 'Completed on',
| |
| 'field Projects created_on' => 'Created on',
| |
| 'field Projects updated_on' => 'Updated on',
| |
| 'field Projects created_by_id' => 'Created by',
| |
| 'field Projects updated_by_id' => 'Updated by',
| |
| 'field Projects completed_by_id' => 'Completed by'
| |
| );
| |
| |
| ?>
| |
| </pre>
| |