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Issue:Using index matrices for handling multiple scenarios in decision making

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Title of paper: Using index matrices for handling multiple scenarios in decision making
Guy De Tré
Department of Telecommunications and Information Processing, Ghent University, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
Sławomir Zadrożny
Systems Research lnstitute - Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Newelska 6, OL-447 Warsaw, Poland
Sotir Sotirov
Dept. of Computer Systems and Technologies, Prof. Asen Zlatarov University, Bourgas-8010, Bulgaria
Krassimir Atanassov
Department of Bioinformatics and Mathematical Modelling, Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Bl. 105, Sofia-1113, Bulgaria
Intelligent Systems Laboratory, Prof. Asen Zlatarov University, Bourgas-8010, Bulgaria
Presented at: 21st International Conference on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, 22–23 May 2017, Burgas, Bulgaria
Published in: "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets", Volume 23, 2017, Number 2, pages 103—110
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Abstract: In a general setting, decision makers can face the situation where different criteria apply for the different options among which they have to choose the best one. We call such options scenarios. In this paper we study criteria evaluation in a multi-criteria decision method for the handling of different scenarios. A novel intuitionistic fuzzy evaluation method based on index matrices is proposed. This approach permits to efficiently handle the indifference caused by the inapplicability of criteria in specific scenarios. An illustrative example is provided.
Keywords: Multi-criteria decision making, Intuitionistic fuzzy evaluation, Aggregation.
AMS Classification: 03B52, 03B70.
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