Submit your research to the International Journal "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets". Contact us at

Call for Papers for the 27th International Conference on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets is now open!
Conference: 5–6 July 2024, Burgas, Bulgaria • EXTENDED DEADLINE for submissions: 15 APRIL 2024.


From Ifigenia, the wiki for intuitionistic fuzzy sets and generalized nets
Revision as of 14:15, 28 February 2010 by Vassia Atanassova (talk | contribs) (actions-en)
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  // Actions
  return array(
    // Registration
    'register' => 'Register',
    'login' => 'Login',
    'logout' => 'Logout',
    'hide welcome info' => '» Hide this info permanently',
    // Companies
    'add company' => 'Add company',
    'edit company' => 'Edit company info',
    'delete company' => 'Delete company',
    'edit company logo' => 'Update logo',
    'delete company logo' => 'Delete logo',
    // Clients
    'add client' => 'Add client',
    'edit client' => 'Edit client',
    'delete client' => 'Delete client',
    // Users
    'add user' => 'Add user',
    'edit user' => 'Edit user',
    'delete user' => 'Delete user',
    'create user from contact' => 'Create user from contact',
    // Group
    'add group' => 'Add group',
    'edit group' => 'Edit group',
    'delete group' => 'Delete group',
    // Project
    'add project' => 'Add workspace',
    'edit project' => 'Edit workspace details',
    'delete project' => 'Delete workspace',
    'mark project as finished' => 'Mark workspace as closed',
    'mark project as active' => 'Mark workspace as active',
    // Workspace
    'add workspace' => 'Add New Workspace',
    'edit workspace' => 'Edit Workspace',
    'delete workspace' => 'Delete workspace',
    'mark workspace as finished' => 'Mark Workspace as finished',
    'mark workspace as active' => 'Mark Workspace as active',
    // Messages
    'add message' => 'Add note',
    'add new message' => 'Add new note',
    'edit message' => 'Edit note',
    'delete message' => 'Delete note',
    'view message' => 'View note',
    'update message options' => 'Update options',
    'subscribe to object' => 'Subscribe',
    'unsubscribe from object' => 'Unsubscribe',
    // Comments
    'add comment' => 'Post comment',
    'edit comment' => 'Edit comment',
    // Task list
    'add task list' => 'Add task',
    'edit task list' => 'Edit task',
    'delete task list' => 'Delete task',
    'reorder tasks' => 'Reorder tasks',
	'reorder sub tasks' => 'Reorder sub tasks',
  	'copy task' => 'Create a copy of this task',
  	'copy milestone' => 'Create a copy of this milestone',
    // Task
    'add task' => 'Add task',
	'add sub task' => 'Add sub task',
    'edit task' => 'Edit task',
    'delete task' => 'Delete task',
    'mark task as completed' => 'Mark task as completed',
    'mark task as open' => 'Mark task as open',
    'apply milestone to subtasks' => 'Apply Milestone to Subtasks',
  	'apply workspace to subtasks' => 'Apply Workspace to Subtasks',
    // Milestone
    'add milestone' => 'Add milestone',
    'edit milestone' => 'Edit milestone',
    'delete milestone' => 'Delete milestone',
    // Events
    'add event' => 'Add event',
    'edit event' => 'Edit event',
    'delete event' => 'Delete event',
    'previous month' => 'Previous month',
    'next month' => 'Next month',
    'previous week' => 'Previous week',
    'next week' => 'Next week',
    'previous day' => 'Previous day',
    'next day' => 'Next day',
    'back to calendar' => 'Back to calendar',
    'back to day' => 'Back to day',
    'pick a date' => 'Pick a date',
    'month' => 'Month',
    'week' => 'Week',
    'can edit company data' => 'Can edit company data',
    'can manage security' => 'Can manage security',
    'can manage workspaces' => 'Can manage workspaces',
    'can manage configuration' => 'Can manage configuration',
    'can manage contacts' => 'Can manage all contacts',
    'group users' => 'Group users',
    // People
    'update people' => 'Update',
    'remove user from project' => 'Remove from workspace',
    'remove company from project' => 'Remove from workspace',
    // Password
    'update profile' => 'Update profile',
    'change password' => 'Change password',
    'update avatar' => 'Update avatar',
    'delete current avatar' => 'Delete current avatar',
    // Forms
    'add form' => 'Add form',
    'edit form' => 'Edit form',
    'delete form' => 'Delete form',
    'submit project form' => 'Submit',
    // Files
    'add file' => 'Add file',
    'edit file properties' => 'Edit file Properties',
    'upload file' => 'Upload file',
    'create new revision' => 'Create new Revision',

    'add document' => 'Add document',
    'save document' => 'Save document',
    'add spreadsheet' => 'Add spreadsheet',
    'add presentation' => 'Add presentation',
    'document' => 'Document',
    'spreadsheet' => 'Spreadsheet',
    'presentation' => 'Presentation',

    'new' => 'New',
    'upload' => 'Upload',
    'hide' => 'Hide',
    'new document' => 'New document',
    'new spreadsheet' => 'New spreadsheet',
    'new presentation' => 'New presentation',

    'slideshow' => 'Slideshow',
    'revisions and comments' =>'Revisions & Comments',
    'Save' => 'Save',
    'all elements' => 'All elements',
    'collapse all' => 'Collapse All',
    'expand all' => 'Expand all',

    'properties' => 'Properties',
    'edit file' => 'Edit file',
    'edit document' => 'Edit document',
    'edit spreadsheet' => 'Edit spreadsheet',
    'edit presentation' => 'Edit presentation',

  	'play' => 'Play',
  	'queue' => 'Queue',
    'delete file' => 'Delete file',
    'add folder' => 'Add folder',
    'edit folder' => 'Edit folder',
    'delete folder' => 'Delete folder',
    'edit file revisions' => 'Edit revision',
    'version' => 'ver',
    'last modification' => 'Last modification',
    'link object' => 'Link Object',
    'link objects' => 'Link Objects',
    'show all linked objects' => 'Show all ({0})',
  	'link more objects' => 'Link more objects',
    'unlink' => 'Unlink',
    'unlink object' => 'Unlink Object',
    'unlink objects' => 'Unlink Objects',
	'extract' => 'Extract',
  	'add files to zip' => 'Add files to zip',
    // Tags
    'delete tag'  => 'Delete tag',
    // Permissions
    'update permissions' => 'Update permissions',
    'edit permissions' => 'Edit permissions',
    'edit permissions explanation'  => 'Check the boxes to grant users access to the recently created workspace.',
  	'save as new revision' => 'Save as new revision',
	'save as' => 'Rename',
	'details' => 'Details',
	'view history for' => 'View history for',
	'view history' => 'View History',    
	'edit preferences' => 'Edit preferences',
	'view milestone' => 'View milestone',
  	'custom properties' => 'Custom Properties',
  	'move to trash' => 'Move to trash',
  	'restore from trash' => 'Restore from trash',
  	'delete permanently' => 'Delete permanently',
  	'copy file' => 'Copy this file',
  	'open weblink' => 'Open web link',
	'archive' => 'Archive',
 	'unarchive' => 'Unarchive',
  	'confirm archive selected objects' => 'Are you sure you want to archive the selected objects?',
	'confirm archive object' => 'Are you sure you want to archive this object?',
	'confirm unarchive object' => 'Are you sure you want to unarchive this object?',
  ); // array
